Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Big Piers are In

Today there is no mistaking the chill of winter. Yesterday was a different story--the last day of Indian Summer. The day before that we actually reached 72 degrees. The big piers are in now--as we protect them from the grind of the ice pack to come. The work was done courtesy of the Rochester Boat Company--comprised of a triple crew, a lift boat, and a 4-wheeler.

The work pier will remain until just before the ice forms--then it will be foot power with the kayaks on a tether just in case. It is good to walk on water!

Here's to a snug winter and the happy holidays to come!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stormy Weather

Yep. It's not all sunshine and birds singing. It's early morning now, with a promise of rain.