Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Twilight for the Ice

There is now a great pile of slush atop the ice pack that is Lake Manitou. Warm weather is forecast, and soon we will return to rippling waves of water. Here is a picture as the sun sets on the last of the winter's ice.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It's 16 below zero this morning. The sun is out in all its glory. At this temperature, and with the bright, bright sunlight, the super-chilled snow appears as if coated with a carpet of tiny diamonds. So beautiful to look at--though I think we'll postpone the morning walk a bit.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jack Frost

Frosty has been busy lately. Here's a view through the upstairs' window. Jack doesn't like the thermopane on the main floor--but he has a ball upstairs.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have an old sailing buddy who was fond of saying, "Life is a word-eating contest." On my earlier post you may have noticed that I said we never had humongous snow--just a lot of accumulation over winter. I stand corrected as of last Wednesday--as you can see. Here is a picture from Main Street in town.