Friday, February 22, 2013

Freezing Rain

For our friends taking shelter in warm places--such as Florida or California--we thought we'd show you what you were missing.  This is the view out the East-facing window of the breakfast room.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sandhill Cranes

For those of you who live near Manitou--next time you hear a warbling sound that seems to be coming from just off your left elbow--look as high in the sky as you can possibly see, and you may be rewarded with a flight of Sandhill Cranes.  I saw a formation of 23 yesterday.  They are in motion all around the lake and they are a pretty sight indeed.  They are nature's ventriloquists, so don't be fooled by the direction of the sound--look up!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Twilight Sky

We've had some wonderful puffy clouds of late.  Here is yesterday's view with ice in the foreground.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cold Again

You don't see the kitchen window frosted that often.  We got to 3 degrees early this morning.  We went from open water to a very poor quality of ice--as it formed after midnight while the wind was blowing hard.  More like frozen slush.  Woe be it to the ice fisherman who doesn't move with caution today.  The ice is still poor as we move toward twilight.  The island itself is a happy place, with all the windows flooded with sunlight.  Nothing like snow on ice to brighten up a place with the reflected light of a sparkling winter's day.