We always hate to see the end of summer...but the clouds of autumn take a lot of the sting out of it.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Before and After and After

Saturday, August 1, 2015
Blue Moon Over Manitou
They say we won't see another blue moon till the year 2018. It's quite a sight--and lots of folks were out enjoying it. This is the view from the Treasure Island flag pole.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Stormy Weather on Manitou
A week ago, we had a couple of storms pass by. I thought it made for interesting lighting. The big old barnlike building is the local Elks Club. They seem a little conflicted on color scheme right now--but everyone around here is used to the old girl. It started out as a private club and then foundered during the depression. It has a neat little golf course on the shore side. The course was constructed when hickory shafts were the club shaft of choice and a good drive was 200 yards. That means it is quite short by today's standards--but it is a fun place to sharpen your game. The rates are low and the course is seldom crowded.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
A Treasure Island Summer Bouquet
We have the fewest blooms going right now. Seems to be a lull in mid-summer. In a couple of weeks the hibiscus will take over the island. Right now, just a few pretties are about.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
First Fish of the Season
We've been slow to get to the "kicking back" phase this year. Seems like we've been running in circles getting the island back after a particularly harsh winter. This seems to have been the first day when Treasure Island could actually be considered a vacation place. Cookie's leisure time was well rewarded, as you can see above.
Monday, June 8, 2015
The Daisies are Back
Once again, the daisies grace Treasure Island. Brought here by the geese. They also brought the violets, which are becoming a nuisance. Win some, loose some.
Friday, June 5, 2015
That Gawky Stage
I can't say that young geese are much to look at. We have three families on the island at regular intervals. One with two goslings, another with six and another with eleven. We also had a pair of ducks with nine or ten ducklings--but they were one time visitors.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Clearest Yet for Manitou
Mark your calendar. Last Friday morning marked the clearest water in Lake Manitou for at least the last twenty years. A passing thing no doubt, as the sun was out in full force, the wind was non-existent, and there were no boats on the lake. The Memorial Day holiday soon put an end to the clarity--as the boat wakes stirred the silt back into the water from the bottom. The lake has a very gentle slope shore to water--which puts the lake bottom at the mercy of any wind or boat driven waves. It was amazing for a bit, though. You could see the bass and buffalo fish swimming by as if you were looking into an aquarium. I'm including a pix of the bottom--not pretty--but remarkable.
Friday, May 15, 2015
The Good Life
Ah...to come back as a squirrel. This little guy holds forth at the point deck tree. He patrols from there to the Mulberry tree at the sea wall.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
We were wondering why no geese had chosen to nest on the island this year. Today we found the answer. This little fellow would probably be no match for a vigilant mother goose--but geese don't take chances when it comes to egg thieves.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
Spring is Here!
You don't have to look any further than the lilac tree at the back of the house. Enjoy--we earned it!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Osprey! A First Time Visit
I had forgotten how big these feathered fellows are. I used to keep track of a nesting pair in Inverness, California--but this is the first time that I have been close enough to an Osprey here to positively ID it. We've been nearly twenty years on the island and this is the first time I have seen one of these incredible birds in one of our trees. Bald Eagles "yes"--but till today, Ospreys "no". Here's hoping we see him again.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Looking us Over?
This is getting interesting. Our friend the swan is back with another. Not only that--but they were back yesterday as well. They are so shy that it is hard to believe they are checking out Treasure Island as a nesting site. Only time will tell. Every year we have our share of geese scouting the property--but this is a first for swan pairs.
As you can see by the railing--they came right to the front steps. We don't have the big pier in as yet so these steps lead right to the water.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Treasure Island Swan
Here is a shot of a rare morning visitor. A lone swan is a doubly rare sight around here. If we see a swan, it is usually part of a group of two to five. They are very shy of boat traffic, so we only see them on the main body of the lake in very late Autumn or very early Spring. We are getting some fishing boats on the lake--so this is probably our last sighting. We photographed this fellow as he glided along the front of the island en route to the channels.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Gang's All Here
Quite a gathering of feathered fellows on the lake the last few days. The biggest rush at the suet feeder came with a spring blizzard. I think the birds were stocking up just like we humans who were mobbing the super market. Never know when a blizzard will take you out of play for a few days.
On top of that--we have the sea fowl coming in to take advantage of a bigger than usual fish kill on the lake. Quite a mob of gulls down from Lake Michigan filling the air with their signature squawks. Often the call is a way of saying "my turn" as a group of gulls gather around the fish carcass. It's surprising how civilized they are about taking turns dining.
We also have three bald eagles joining in. One mature and two most decidedly immature. The young are scary ugly at that age--only a look a momma could love.
Then we have two loons, who seem to make a habit of calling by in the Spring and Fall for a week or two on their way to somewhere else.
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